Trade Missions
Empowering master students to navigate the global marketplace through VUB's Trade Mission!
Our adventure began in 1978 when a few motivated final-year students in Business Engineering at the Solvay Business School of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) joined forces to establish the Initiative Group Solvay, or shortly Inisol. This association, by and for master's students in Business Engineering, initiated the successful annual trade mission. Over the years, the project has professionalized and evolved into an autonomous project fully integrated into different master's programs at the VUB as a practical course or thesis.
The trade mission offers companies the opportunity to expand their presence in emerging economies. A team of around 30 master's students from various disciplines will execute company-specific assignments, guided by academics and supported by various agencies and alumni networks. Preparation begins in the summer preceding the mission, with the actual mission taking place over three weeks in the spring. Students are assessed based on their final report, with varying levels of academic evaluation depending on their field of study, with business engineers undergoing a more demanding evaluation due to the integrated master's thesis component.
Where? Destination
This year marks our 35th edition, This year, in the spring of 2025, two missions will take place. In early March, the first delegation will depart for Tanzania with Dar es Salaam as the base. At the beginning of April, the second delegation will also depart for Egypt with Cairo as the base.
Tanzania and Egypt are two emerging economic powerhouses in Africa, offering a wealth of untapped opportunities and potential. These countries provide a dynamic environment where your company can explore a new market.
This program serves as an excellent platform for businesses, organizations, and students to network, explore new markets, and establish international partnerships. The missions include delegations of Belgian companies from diverse industries and sectors, represented by our students, who travel to a chosen country to engage in business meetings, trade fairs, and other significant events.
How ? Procedure
Simple Formula
When you wish to participate in our project, one of the students from the trade mission team will collaborate with you. The precise assignment will be determined through mutual consultation to meet the needs of both parties. It is also highly recommended that your company provides thorough internal training, in addition to necessary self-study. The student is required to submit a preparatory report at least one week before departure.
Continued Support
During the trade mission, we regularly communicate internally about the progress of the assignment to guide the student and adjust the assignment if necessary. For more information on reporting during the mission, please refer to the "Action Plan" section in the brochure.
After the trade mission, the students prepare a detailed final report, followed by an oral presentation. This is done in the presence of the student, the client, and Prof. Dr. Dooms or Prof. Dr. Geerts. For more information, please refer to the next subsection, "The Final Report" in the brochure.
Final Report
The final report explains all actions required to successfully complete the assignment. The obtained information, analyses, achieved results, and conclusions are presented in a structured manner. Consequently, your company receives an accurate and in-depth report covering all aspects of the described assignment. We ensure this by assessing the content of the final report according to the graduation requirements of the students.
If you are interested in the trade mission project or would like to get more information, please contact us via trademission.inisol@vub.be.
You can read the brochure of this year here.
You can also find more information on the website of the VUB.